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F5B er keppnisflokkur rafmagnsvéla, þær geta náð talsverðum hraða, eða
uppfyrir 150 mílur sem er í kringum 240 km/klst.
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Mjög skemmtileg módel ef þú ert í pyloni.

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ISSUE DATE: Feb 1999
MAINTAINER: Steve Lewin, faq-maintainer@ezonemag.com  

COMMENTS ON THIS REVISION (Steve Lewin, faq-maintainer@ezonemag.com)

I have taken over the maintenance of the FAQ from Craig Limber to whom many thanks for his efforts to date. You might find the spelling of some of the newer bits is a bit variable. I'll try to remember to write in American but I'll probably slip into British English from time to time.

This FAQ has been reformatted to make more use of HTML features like tables and hyperlinks. For example you can now jump direct from the contents list to the various sections.

"What does "C" mean?" added to the Battery section.

"Where do I plug my BEC controller in" added to the Speed Controls section.

Information about what sensor/sensorless means has been added to the Electric Motors section.

Additional example models have been added to the "What works" section.

I have corrected a few out of date references in the Internet resources section and added one or two of my own favorites.


An entry in bold text in the contents list means that entry has been changed or added in the latest version of the FAQ.

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Introduction and credits

The following articles contain the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about electric flight. They attempt to collect much of the common wisdom useful for the construction and successful operation of electrically powered flying models into one place as well as providing some "food for thought" regarding why you might choose electric power over glow fuel, gas, etc.

Each question or article is attributed to the individual or group who contributed the article/answer. In many cases Q&A was a discussion thread on the Eflight electronic mailing list. Unless otherwise specified, all monetary amounts are in US dollars.

You are encouraged to submit any questions on electric flight subjects. If you have the answers too that is even better but questions that you have not been able to find answers for are still welcome. Also any suggestions as how the FAQ can be improved. Please send FAQ information to:


This collection of documents is Copyright (c) 1996-1999 by Jim Bourke, Tim McDonough, Craig Limber and Steve Lewin. All rights reserved. Permission to distribute the collection is hereby granted providing that distribution is electronic, no money is involved, reasonable attempts are made to use the latest version and all credits and this copyright notice are maintained. Other requests for distribution will be considered. All reasonable requests will be granted.

All information here has been contributed with good intentions, but none of it is guaranteed either by the contributors, Jim Bourke, or myself to be accurate. The users of this information take all responsibility for any damage that may occur.

Steve Lewin (faq-maintainer@ezonemag.com)


Thanks to Tim McDonough, Doug Ingraham, Aveox, Bob Boucher and many others for their help with answers.

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Beginner Issues

Q. Why fly electric?
A. (Jim Bourke, jbourke@ezonemag.com)

The primary draw of electric aircraft is the clean, quiet operation of the equipment. Unlike a noisy internal combustion engine, electricaircraft can often be flown at small parks or football fields without disturbing a community (please check local laws before doing this).

An electric power system is also a very versatile piece of equipment. A single high quality electric motor can be used to power a wide variety of aircraft simply by choosing different propeller/battery pack/ gearing combinations.

Other reasons that people enjoy electric aircraft include:

  • a feeling that one is a "pioneer"
  • a desire to do something different
  • an appreciation of the unique challenges presented

Q. What kind of equipment do I need?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Generally speaking, you need equipment that is very similar to what other RCers require. There are only a few primary components: the radio, the battery, the charger, the aircraft, the speed control, and the motor. The amount of accessories you purchase are up to you, but most people typically buy things like a soldering iron, flight box, volt/amp meter, etc.

You probably already know that the radio is used to transmit the control inputs to the aircraft. I'll describe the electric RC specific components below:


The battery pack is what provides power to the motor. Typical packs are composed of 500 to 2000 mAh cells. We can discuss the meaning of mAh (read "milli-amp hour") later, but for now just understand that the higher the number, the more charge the battery can hold. The weight of the pack is proportional to its capacity.


The charger is used to charge the battery packs. There are three primary charging methods: trickle, fast, and peak. Trickle charging is a low-current charge that takes several hours to perform but is guaranteed to not hurt the battery. Fast charging involves stuffing energy into the pack at a high rate so it is charged in as little as 15 minutes, with some danger that the pack will be damaged if it is not monitored. Most low-end chargers provide both fast and trickle charging. The high-end chargers use a type of fast charging called peak charging. Peak chargers simply monitor the charge automatically so the pack cannot be hurt by fast charging. If you are going to be at all serious about electric flight, buy a peak charger right away.


For the most part, the aircraft is the same as ones powered by internal combustion. However, the electric systems are heavier than their equivalent IC counterparts, so electric aircraft are usually built much lighter than IC aircraft. Due to the high vibration caused by internal combustion, most IC planes are overbuilt anyway and can be easily lightened.


The speed control provides proportional throttle control by varying the amount of power that is transferred from the battery to the motor. Not all planes have a speed control. Some use a simple on/off switch or just leave the throttle on full blast until the battery is exhausted.


Today's electric R/C modeler has a vast supply of different motors to experiment with. Cobalt motors are considered to be far superior to ferrite motors, but are much more expensive. A new type of motor is the "brushless" motor. These are very expensive, but provide an even wider range of output possibilities at high efficiency. Most motors that are supplied in beginners kits are a type of ferrite motor called "can" motors. These motors are very inefficient and cannot be serviced like a higher quality motor. However, most kits will fly just fine with the motor provided so its ok to use a "can" motor for your first plane.

Q. Can you suggest a few beginner setups?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

This should give you an idea of what it takes to get started.

Configuration #1

   2 meter wingspan electric glider kit                        $65
       try the Electra, Skimmer, etc.
   building materials                                          $40
   6-cell battery pack                                         $20
   AC/DC fast charger                                          $30
   2 channel radio                                             $65
   total                                                      $220

If you intend to continue with the hobby, then buy an inexpensive 4 channel radio instead of the two channel shown above. That would add about $65 to the cost. Notice that the above configuration also does not include a speed control. One can be added for around $60, but you may want to consider an on/off switch instead for $30.

Configuration #2

   High wing electric trainer                                  $65
       try the Electri-Cub, Mirage, PT-E, etc.
   building materials                                          $40
   battery packs (2 7-cell 1400 mah SCR packs)                 $50
   Speed control                                               $70
       (Ace Smart Throttle, Astro Flight model 210, etc)
   Peak charger                                               $110
   4 channel radio                                            $130
   total                                                      $465

This configuration will give you a nice flying airplane with plenty of room to grow. You could do with somewhat less expensive components, but this way you will be able to use the same radio, charger, speed control, and batteries on your next plane. You do not need two battery packs, but having two packs is nice because one can charge while you are flying with the other.

Configuration #3:

   High wing .15 to .25 sized electric trainer                 $65
       (Sig Seniorita, Astro Flight Porterfield)
   Cobalt geared motor                                        $125
   building materials                                          $40
   battery packs (2 packs)                                    $120
   Speed control                                               $70
       (Ace Smart Throttle, Astro Flight model 210, etc)
   Peak charger                                               $110
   6 channel radio                                            $220
   total                                                      $750

This is the way to go if you can afford the equipment.

Q. How do I get started?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Go to a local hobby store and find out the clubs in your area. R/C clubs are the best resource you can have. Clubs provide training, flying fields, auctions, competitions, fun-fly events, newsletters, and, best of all, lots of advice for beginners. Most clubs require you to become an AMA member. AMA membership costs $48(1999) and provides you with a free magazine subscription and insurance coverage.

Q. What kind of planes can fly with electric power?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Any plane that can fly with an IC engine can fly with electric power. However, there are tradeoffs that must be considered with electric power that aren't a factor with IC systems.

For example, In order to increase duration, you must be willing to accept increased weight (wing loading) and/or decreased power. The three characteristics are interdependent. Since the weight per cell is proportional to capacity, the relationships can be expressed as shown:

Weight = # of cells * weight per cell
Power = # of cells * current draw
Duration = weight per cell / current draw


INCREASING the number of cells, INCREASES power and INCREASES weight
INCREASING the weight per cell INCREASES duration and INCREASES weight
INCREASING the current draw, INCREASES power and DECREASES duration

Stated differently:

To decrease weight, I must DECREASE power and/or duration
To increase power, I must INCREASE weight and/or DECREASE duration
To increase duration, I must INCREASE weight and/or DECREASE power

The Moral: Electric aircraft are quite capable of outperforming even the hottest glow aircraft, provided the pilot is willing to live with a 1 minute flight time.

The challenge electric flyers face is that, even though electric systems are much more efficient than IC, we are not currently able to store nearly as much energy in our power supply at an equivalent weight. This is why electric flyers try to build their aircraft as light as possible. If wing loading and duration aren't a concern, however, electric flight can be used to power any kind of aircraft.

Until we have a breakthrough in battery technology that allows us to store 4 or 5 times more energy in a cell, these tradeoffs will be the central issue of electric aircraft design.

Q. How can I sign up to the AMA or MAAC?
A. Craig Limber (craig.limber@west.gecems.com)

The AMA (Academy Of Model Aeronautics) and MAAC (Model Aeronautics Association of Canada) are two of the organizations which provide insurance and services to all forms of modeling. Most clubs in the U.S. and Canada require membership to this type of organization (usually because of the insurance).

The AMA can be reached at:
Tel: 1-765-287-1256. FAX: 1-765-289-4248
Web: http://www.modelaircraft.org/

MAAC address:
Unit 9, 5100 South Service Rd, Burlington, Ontario,Canada L7L 6A5
Tel: (905) 632-980
Web: http://www.maac.ca/

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Q. What safety procedures should I follow when flying?
A. (Peter O'Shea, poshea@ezonemag.com)

Some common-sense safety precautions are:

1. Don't connect the motor battery until you have your frequency pin (or other frequency clearance means) and are ready to put the plane on the runway or hand-launch.

2. Don't turn on the radio system until you are ready for your flight. Turn off the radio system as soon as possible after the flight.

3. Make sure that the throttle is set to off before turning on your transmitter. Many digital speed controls have a function that won't allow the motor to turn until the throttle stick has been in, or moved to, the low position. Don't make it a habit of testing this function.

4. Motor-on radio checks must be done with the aid of a helper.

5. Check the leading edge and tip of your prop for molding flash, if it's not a wood prop. Carefully sand away molding flash with fine sandpaper.

Q. What is an arming switch?
A. (Peter O'Shea, poshea@ezonemag.com)

An arming switch is, simply, a cutoff switch that goes between the battery and anything else in the plane. The arming switch serves the purpose of making it very unlikely for the motor to start up when the airplane is not in use. Radios can be inadvertently left on, throttle sticks can be accidentally bumped, but if the arming switch is used, the motor will not start up. The arming switch is typically left off until the plane is ready to taxi out to the runway (or be hand-launched). When retrieving the plane after the flight, the arming switch is the first thing turned off.

Q. When should I use an arming switch?
A. (Peter O'Shea, poshea@ezonemag.com)

The more powerful the motor, the more need there is for the safety redundancy of an arming switch. Just where to draw the line is debatable, but a conservative approach would be to use one on any plane larger than speed 400 size (approximately 100 watts and above).

Q. How much power will I lose? How much weight will I gain?
A. (Peter O'Shea, poshea@ezonemag.com)

A commonly-available double-pole, double-throw plastic rocker switch has been measured at 0.3 milliohms after hundreds of flights. This same arming switch has a weight of 5.8 grams (0.20 ounces). When used properly, an arming switch will not cause any noticeable drop in system power. The simple secret to a long-lasting, low-loss arming switch is this: NEVER SWITCH CURRENT with the arming switch. The switch should only _carry_ current. This means that you never turn the switch to "on" until the throttle is in the low position, and similarly after the flight the switch is only turned "off" after the throttle is again in the low position.

Q. What is a fuse? Why use one?
A. (Peter O'Shea, poshea@ezonemag.com)

A fuse is an electrical component that cuts off the flow of current when the current in a circuit exceeds the fuse's rated value. A fuse is used in electric airplanes because nicad batteries are capable of delivering very high currents when shorted. These currents are sufficient to overheat components and wiring and potentially start a fire. The cause of the high current could be a failed speed controller, a short in the system wiring, or even simply a stalled motor. Note that some organizations who provide insurance for modelers REQUIRE a fuse in electrically powered models (MAAC in Canada is good example).

Q. What type of fuse should I use?
A. (Peter O'Shea, poshea@ezonemag.com)

For speed 400 systems: the Littelfuse Picofuse, available through Digi-Key (1-800-DIGIKEY) for about a dollar apiece. These are the size of a 1/4 watt resistor and have ratings up to 15 amps.

For higher-powered planes: the automotive blade fuse, available at your local auto parts dealer, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, or even Radio Shack. These come in ratings from fractional amps up to 60 amps.

Q. How do I choose the fuse rating?
A. (Peter O'Shea, poshea@ezonemag.com)

Choosing the correct rating for the fuse is not difficult. Put the largest and highest-pitch prop on that you expect to fly with. Measure the current draw of your power system on the bench, or calculate it using software such as ElectriCalc. Take the static current you've just measured/derived and multiply by about 1.25. This 25% margin will allow for taking off in tall grass and should prevent nuisance blows. Find the fuse with a rating at or just above this current level.

Q. How and where do I install the fuse?
A. (Peter O'Shea, poshea@ezonemag.com)

Where is the fuse installed? Most people put them in series in the wiring harness between the battery and the speed control, as long as the speed control is not being used for BEC. If BEC is being used, the fuse should go between the speed control and the motor. For installation, blade connectors can be used for the auto fuses. Another way is to solder the fuse into the motor battery itself, which provides protection for the pack when it is removed from the plane. The only drawback to this method is that it isn't field-replaceable. If you use the Sermos-style fuse holder you can have the fuse double as an arming switch if the holder is mounted so that it is easily accessible from the outside.

Q. Are there any safety precautions for the motor battery?
A. (Peter O'Shea, poshea@ezonemag.com)


Many early electric planes were designed to hold one fixed nicad pack, which was charged while in the plane. Many, if not most, electric fliers now have multiple packs for each plane to get more flying time at the field. These packs are removed from the plane for cooling and recharging. The high-current capability of nicad cells demands careful attention to safety when constructing, handling, and storing these packs. The pack should be constructed so that a minimum of one durable layer of insulation is between each cell and its neighbor, and the joint area between the positive top of the cell and the negative case should be protected carefully. The overall pack should be insulated so that no metal is exposed anywhere.

To summarize: use an arming switch and a fuse. Insulate your packs completely. Give our power sources the respect they deserve, and use common sense too.

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Q. How is the voltage of a pack determined?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

A battery pack consists of a number of cells, wired in series. Therefore, the voltage for the pack is equal to the number of cells times 1.2 volts (Nicad cells provide 1.2 volts of electricity). However, because of a cell's internal resistance, the actual voltage you are getting is slightly lower; more like 1.1 volts per cell or even down to 1 volt per cell in the higher current installations.

Q. What are milli-amp hours?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

The milli-amp hour is the standard unit of storage capacity for a cell.

It is analogous to "gallons of fuel" for an internal combustion engine. The milli-amp hour rating of a cell tells how many constant milli-amps of current can be supplied by the pack for one hour. This rating can be used to find the duration that a battery pack can provide given a certain draw.

Because cells are wired in series, the milli-amp hour rating of a pack is the same as the milli-amp hour rating of a single cell.

Q. How fast can I charge my batteries?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Different cells can withstand different charging rates. Check with the manufacturer to make certain you don't damage your pack.

For fast charging, most packs can be safely charged in 15 minutes, which requires a charging current of 4 times the capacity of the pack.

Trickle charging is usually done at a rate of 1/10th the capacity, or C/10. Cell manufacturers list this as the charge rate in which the cells will not vent (release gases that build up from overcharging). However, even this charge rate can reduce the life expectancy of a cell if left on after the cell is fully charged.

Q. What is Nicad memory?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Besides a hot topic of debate, you mean?

Nicad memory is commonly explained as a loss of cell or pack capacity after repeated charges and discharges to the same level. It is actually a voltage depression in the cell that causes it to appear as if the cell isn't charged. The cause of memory is beyond my capacity to understand or explain, but suffice to say that repeated charges and discharges to the same level have been reproducibly shown by battery makers to cause voltage depression. Therefore, Nicad memory is a very real phenomenon. How often it occurs is a subject of much debate. Don't bring it up unless you are prepared.

To avoid Nicad memory, simply fast charge your batteries regularly and provide an occasional deep discharge to 1.0 volts/cell under a light load. Also, avoid trickle charging batteries for long periods. Fast charging negates the effect of Nicad memory.

GE did a study on Nicad memory and concluded that memory cannot occur if any one of the following conditions are met:

1. Batteries achieve full overcharge (peak charge)
2. Discharge is not exactly the same each cycle- plus or minus 2-3%
3. Discharge is to less than 1.0 volt per cell.

Much of this information comes from the Nicad faq referenced in the Internet Resources section of this faq.

Q. What is Cell reversal?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

From the nicad faq:

"In a battery, not all cells are created equal. One will be weaker than the others. So, as the battery is discharged, the weakest cell will use up all its active material. Now, as discharge continues, the current through the dead cell becomes a charging current, except that it is reversed. So, now reduction is occurring at the positive terminal. As there is no more nickelic hydroxide, it reduces the water, and produces hydrogen. Cell pressure builds, and it vents. The cell has lost water and the life of the cell has been shortened

"This is the big danger of battery cycling to prevent memory. Invariably, unless one is very careful, one ends up reversing a cell. It does much more harm than the cycling does good. Also, keep in mind that cells do have a finite life. Each cycle is a bit of life."

Q. Should I cycle my packs?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Weigh the dangers of cell reversal versus the dangers of Nicad memory and decide for yourself.

Some people discharge their packs to 0 volts per cell and say they have never had a problem. Others say that cycling below 1.0 volt is damaging. I have never witnessed Nicad memory, but I have never witnessed cell reversal either. Use your best judgement.

Q. Can I deep discharge an individual cell safely?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Individual cells (i.e. NOT IN PACKS) can be discharged to 0 volts per cell safely. Cell reversal can't occur with individual cells. In fact, cycling an individual cell is a good way to determine its exact capacity. This is how packs are "matched".

Q. What is the discharge of a Nicad like?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Well, look at the following graph and you'll get an idea.

       |  \
   V   |   ---------------------------
   o   |                              -----
   l   |                                   \
   t   |                                    \
   a   |                                     |
   g   |                                     |
   e   |                                     |
       |                                     |
       |                                     |
       |                                     |

The graph tries to show that a Nicad provides an initial surge of power (at around 1.2 volts or higher), then provides a pretty much constant number of volts until its capacity is almost entirely depleted. This means that the voltage level of a cell is NOT proportional to remaining charge. By the time a cell reaches 1.0 volt, it is almost entirely discharged.

Q. What is "blackwire" on the negative leads of nicad battery packs?
A. (Red Scholefield, redscho@afn.org)

I thought no one would ever ask!

The Black Wire Syndrome

The black wire syndrome is an occurance in battery packs (Ni-Cds) where the negative wire becomes corroded (turns from shinny copper to blue-black). This is the result of either a shorted cell in the pack, the normal wearout failure mode of Ni-Cds, or cell reversal when a pack is left under load for an extended period. The sealing mechanism of a Ni-Cd cell depends to some degree on maintaining a potential across the seal interface. Once this potential goes to zero the cell undergoes what is called creep leakage. With other cells in a pack at some potential above zero, the leakage (electrolyte) is "driven" along the negative lead. It can travel for some distance making the wire impossible to solder and at the same time greatly reducing its ability to carry current and even worse, makes the wire somewhat brittle.

A switch left on in a plane or transmitter for several months can cause this creepage to go all the way to the switch itself, destroying the battery lead as well as the switch harness. There is no cure. The effected lead, connector, switch harness must be replaced. This leakage creep takes time so periodic inspection of the packs, making sure that there are no shorted cells insures against the problem.

The cells should also be inspected for any evidence of white powder (electrolyte mixed with carbondioxide in the air to form potassium carbonate). In humid conditions this can revert back to mobile electrolyte free to creep along the negative lead. Some "salting" as this white powder is referred to, does not necessarily mean that the cell has leaked. There may have been some slight amount of residual electrolyte left on the cell during the manufacturing process. This can be removed with simple household vinegar and then washed with water after which it is dried by applying a little warmth from your heat gun..

Q. How do I match cells without spending a fortune on expensive equipment?
A. Since few of us can afford a turbo matcher and it really isn't that important for sport flying here is what I do to make semi- matched packs from inexpensive cells.

The lower tech way requires only a DVM and your regular charging gear plus a notepad.

1) Check the individual cell voltage with a DVM. If the cell is at Zero volts then it will probably never be any good for any use.

2) Discharge the individual cells to <0.5 volts. I use a 0.5 ohm power resistor for this but you can use around 30 ohms overnight.

3) build a pack so that cells can be easily changed out. I like 7 cells as a max for this as too many cells makes it hard to do some of the testing.

4) Charge the pack at c/10 for 24 hours. The cells should be warm at the end of this period.

5) Discharge the pack into a load. A motor with a light load works pretty well. 5-10 amps is a good enough load. Watch the voltage of each cell. You are looking for cells that have lower voltage than the others. Keep an eye on it and when it starts to slow down figure out which cells died first. Mark those some way. Stop discharging when one cell drops below 0.5 volts. I usually put a little number on the cell to tell me which ones died in which order.

6) Charge the pack at c/10 for 16 hours. repeat 5 and 6 a few times. note any change in cell order. Sometimes after exercising the cells a few times the worst ones become good. Change out any weak cells and start over. After a few iterations you will have a pack that with cells that will dump close to each other.

7) Fast charge the pack at a 3c or even 4c rate. Touch the cells often during the charge to see if any cells get hot during charge. If all cells get hot then reduce the charge rate. If only one or two you might want to swap out those cells and start over. The cells you pull out are probably fine for the most part. You can generally make a pack out of the culls that works fine but has slightly reduced capacity. I like to take these cells and charge them up and let them sit a couple of weeks. If they still have nearly a full charge I make 4 and 5 cell receiver packs out of them and sell the packs to the 1/4 scale gas guys. They love them cause I only charge $15 for such a pack and they last for years. If you have a charger like the 110d or the 112d that will tell you the energy put into a cell you can do this a different way. This is a slightly higher tech way but requires a smarter charger. You can substitute the charge time for the amp hours figure if your charger displays that.

Another method:

1) Discharge the cell to zero volts. I use a 0.5 ohm power resistor. a 25 to 30 ohm resistor overnight will do this as well.

2) Charge the cell in the peak detecting charger at a 3c rate. Use the same rate for all cells of a given type. Watch the temp of the cell and if it gets hot during the charge cull that one out. When the cell peaks you need to record the peak voltage and the ah that went into the cell.

3) Repeat 1 and 2 a couple of times. The values you get will become fairly consistant unless the temperature changes a lot.

4) Select cells with similar capacities and peak voltages in that order. The cells with the lowest peak voltage are the better cells. They will have the higher voltage under load. You learn a lot about batteries when you play with them like this. I hope this helps!

Q. What does "C" mean?
a. Steve Lewin

"C" is the charge rate which should fully charge a battery in one hour. It is the same number as the cell capacity but in milli-amps (mA) i.e. for a 500 maH cell, the C rate is 500 mA, for a 1700 mAH cell C is 1700 mA (or 1.7A). It is convenient to give charging rates in terms of C. For example, the standard slow charge rate for all Ni-Cds is C/10 (one tenth of C). For an 800mAH battery that's 80mA. At that rate the battey will be charged in around 10 hours (actually a little longer for a full charge). Fast charge rates are around 3C or 4C. At 4C a cell will be charged in approximately 1/4 hour.

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Electric motors

Q What does "breaking-in" a motor actually do?
A. Terry Gamble

Basically, a new motor comes with flat brushes and a round commutator. the idea is to wear the brushes down in such a manner that you have a curved surface (and thus more contact area) at the commutator/brush interface. if you try to break it in by simply flying it at full load, you create a lot of arcing which pits the surfaces and degrades performance. note that you must break in the motor prior to using it. if you've already pitted the brushes and commutator, it is too late. you then have to settle for what you have, or buy a new motor. you can expect this procedure to improve power output 10-30 %. inexpensive ferrite "can" motors need all the help they can get so don't forget this step! some motors do not need to be broken in. manufacturers of these high-quality motors will mention this in the motor's manual. if in doubt, break it in.

Q. How do I break-in a motor?
A. Terry Gamble

Ideally you'd like to run the motor at about 1/3-1/2 it's rated voltage with no load (without prop) for an hour or two. long enough to wear the brushes down without arcing. the r/c car guys have special transformers for this, but all you really need for a typical 05 can motor is 2 alkaline d cell batteries and some spare 12 gauge wire. simply hook the batteries up in series so you have a 3 volt power source and hook the wires to the appropriate terminals on the motor. let the motor run until the batteries are dead, and presto...you have a broken in motor. if you have an old electric train transformer and a voltmeter, you can also dial in 3-4 volts with the transformer and save the cost of 2 batteries.

Q. What does gearing do?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Gearing allows a motor to turn a larger prop at a lower rpm. This allows the system to produce more thrust while drawing the same number of amps. The trade-off is that top speed is reduced, which makes gearing suitable mostly for slow-flying aircraft. Sport electric planes are usually run with a direct drive system. See Bob Boucher's book "The Electric Motor Handbook" for a more detailed explanation.

Q. How do I compare an electric motor to an ic engine?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

If all you are looking for is a watts to horsepower conversion, then the formula is: 1 brake horsepower = 750 watts. The problem is that electric motors have many more variables than ic engines. In order to determine the performance of an electric motor, you must first answer questions such as how much duration you want, how much power you need, etc. Gearing also heavily influences the comparison.

Q. What are motor constants?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Motor constants are used to define the characteristics of a motor in quantifiable terms. Every motor can be accurately defined using exactly 3 motor constants: kv (rpm/volt), rm (terminal resistance), and io (no-load current). The kv constant is the rpms produced by a motor per volt applied. A 100% efficient motor could be described using this constant alone, but there are losses in the motor that make this impossible. If the kv is known, then we can determine another constant called kt. Kt is the torque produced per amp. kv and kt are proportional as shown: kt = 1355 / kv This relationship between kt and kv is a law for every motor. The rm constant is called the "terminal resistance" of the motor. This is the loss inside the motor due to the wiring in the armature. The rm constant represents a loss of power due to imperfect materials inside the motor. The final constant, io, is the no-load current. The motor table at the end of this faq shows several popular motors and their constants.

Q. In a brushless motor system, what's the difference between a delta wind and a wye wind? what are the advantages and disadvantages?
A. (Matthew Orme, Aveox Inc. email: 102252.401@compuserve.com)

Get a pencil and paper for this.

"Wye" wind Motor

Draw 3 resistors (or coils) radiating from a central point (The Wye tie). label the three ends A, B, and C. These represent the three phase connections in the Wye motor.

In the controller, each of these has 2 pair of MOSFETs connected to it, a pair to source the current, and a pair to sink the current. The motor fires something like this (simplified for clarity) A-B, A-C, B-C, B-A, C-B, C-A ad nauseam. The Magnets 'chase' the rotating magnetic field. Notice that there are always 2 phases 'commutated' at the same time, but the mix differs, and the current direction will reverse every other time. The motors resistance is the sum of any two phases ie. measure from any 2 phases. the third phase is open electrically when any other 2 are commutated.

"Delta" wind Motor

Draw 3 resistors connected in a triangle (delta). Each of the vertices is a phase. When you commutate CA-AB, you get most of the energy on one coil, (A), but some on (A-C-B) side. (mostly losses imo). The net result of most of the current going through one set of coils at a time, instead of 2 is that the Kt is cut in half and Kv doubles.

At Aveox, we have essentially deemed the Deltas as secondary to Wye winds in any application, except where very high degree of uniformity in both directions is very important. Things like robots that move in both directions equally put up with the efficiency losses. Since the motors are very insensitive to timing changes (unlike the Wye winds), you don't have great performance in one direction, and poor in another (without adjusting the timing), you have good performance in both (but it ain't worth the losses in a model).

They have been discontinued at Aveox for a couple of years. We do whatever we can to get them out of circulation, by changing them over at a loss. (But they are really easy to make if you insisted, and I would feel guilty afterwards). When you finish winding a stator, you have 6 wires coming out, the start and finish of each phase. connect every other one together to make the wye tie, or adjacent pairs to make the delta.

Q. How does Timing effect the power of an electric motor?
A. Tom Cimato, MaxCim Motors

In general terms this describes motor action:-) But (bet you knew that was coming) more specifically you need to first visualize that the permanent magnets create a fixed field in magnitude and position (for this discussion). This field has a shape with a maximum intensity exactly between the magnets (in a 2 pole motor - most DC motors - directly opposite each other). To generate the maximum torque from the motor, the electric field generated by applying current to the windings must be located 90 ELECTRICAL degrees from the center of the magnet field (90 physical deg. in a 2 pole motor). This is defined as the max. Kt (torque constant - oz.in./A)

What happens in a real motor under load is that the electric field lags the magnet field due to inductance effects in the windings and possibly some saturation effects in the steel parts (magnetic iron). The amount of lag varies with load (and rpm), so is a complex variable.

We try to preset the motor timing (brush position) so that at a selected load current, the fields are at the 90 E deg point for max. Kt., and max. magnetic power conversion efficiency. At no-load (without a prop) this will be an advanced position and since it is ahead of the 90 E Deg. point, will have a reduced Kt (take the SIN of the angle x KT90, eg SIN108 x 1 = .951 x Kt), which requires more current to turn the shaft (at no-load. The current will pull into phase at the selected load current. This will actually look like the current decreasing as the load increases, up to a point.

In a brushless motor the same thing is happening, but we advance the hall sensors for this effect. The big difference is that we have to visualize the analogy while sitting on the rotor (stationary frame of reference) and look at the stator field.

This is explained in most texts of ac and dc electric machines. Check your university book store:-)

It's a lot more complex than this, so I hope I've given you some insight as to the goings on in that little bundle of wire and magnets.

Q. How much should I advance the timing on my speed 400 motor?
A. 5mm.

Q. How do I use the "speed 400 timing tool?"
A. Craig Limber with thanks to several eflight members.

The tool comes with two brass rings, two bolts and a metal rod. One of the rings is supposed to be bolted onto the front of the motor (the bolts I got with mine were too long; I ended up using some shorter ones from my supply of metric fasteners) whereupon the ring can be placed in a clamp. The other ring has two pegs on it which are plugged into the two holes in the back of the motors. The metal rod is then slide through the two holes in the sides of the ring and used as a lever to rotate the plastic back of the motor to advance it. You do not need to bend the metal tabs on the motor's case. Note that you should rotate the end plate in the OPPOSITE direction the armature will turn. DON'T FORGET to place witness marks on the case and plastic end BEFORE making any changes!

Q. How much heat can our motors dissipate?
A. Matthew Orme

The industry standard is 1 watt per square inch for continuous operation (24 hours), at room temperature.

We say about 3 watts for ours for as long as a nicad pack can run it

Q. How do I keep my motors clean?
A. Bob Boucher

If commutator has deposits of carbon and gunk on it you can clean it with scotchbrite or a com stick. Very light polishing action. You can also clean off gunk when motor is running by a few drops of alcohol.

If com is pitted or shows brush skipping and chattering your com has been overheated and needs to be returned. It is out of round. polishing will not cure out of round.

You need a lathe with a ball bearing in the tail stock and a diamond tool..or at least a sharp cutting tool.

On 05 motors you can use a hobby com lathe. On Astro and Plattenburg motors you need a real lathe. Astro and New creations can do this for a small fee.

Q. What is a a sensorless brushless motor/controller?
A. Steve Lewin

"Conventional" brushless motors have small internal sensors which provide signals to sense the position of the armature. These are used by the controller to allocate the drive current to the correct windings. Sensorless motors do not have these internal sensors. The controllers used with them use a different method to work out where to assign the winding currents (see below). Sensorless controllers are obviously required for motors without sensors but can also be used with other brushless motors. This allow the user to choose motor and controller separately as with brushed motors to get the best of each rather than being obliged to buy the controller from the motor manufacturer as is the case with conventional brushless motors and their dedicated controls.

Q. How does a sensorless brushless motor/controller work?
A. Doug Ingraham

The simplest description I can come up with follows:
A reference voltage can be derived by summing the two driven windings and the undriven winding is compared to the reference. The undriven winding will have a voltage induced upon it because it is being moved through a magnetic field. When a zero crossing is detected it is the time to rotatethe magnetic field to the next position. The above works once the motor is spinning. Before it is spinning there is no zero crossing to detect so you have to resort to interesting techniques like ringing the windings to try to figure out the position of the motor so you can perform a clean start. It is much easier to do all this if the motor characteristics are known by the controller. If they are not known, the controller must learn them." Back to Contents


Q. Why doesn't my folding prop extend all the way out? Do I need to shave plastic away from the slots in the spinner?
A. Jim Bourke

There is no fix. The blades are opening as they should. Hold the motor horizontal and you will see that the blades do not hang straight down. This is roughly the attitude they should have when unfolded.

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Speed controls

Q. How does a speed control work?

A. (Doug Ingraham, Lofty Pursuits, dpi@rapidnet.com)

An ESC (Electronic Speed Control) is a device that controls the speed of the motor by turning the motor on and off. Consider this simple circuit, in which a motor and battery are controlled by a switch.

    |                                  |
   ---                             ----+----
    -                              |       |
   --- Battery                     | Motor |
    -                              |       |
   ---                             |       |
    -                / Switch      ----+----
    |               /                  |
    ---------------/   +----------------

To turn on the motor you close the switch which allows current to flow to the motor. If you open the switch you stop the flow of current and the motor will slow down and eventually stop turning. Proportional throttle control is achieved by varying the amount of time the switch is on relative to the amount of time it is off. For example, for 1/2 throttle, the switch is on half the time.

In order to achieve smooth throttle response, this switching must occur several times per second. Inexpensive speed controls typically perform this switching 50 times per second. The reason 50 times a second was chosen is because this is the rate that control pulses are sent to each servo and the electronics are greatly simplified if this rate is used. This is called frame rate because the ESC operates at the same rate as the radio control frames are updated. All electronic speed controls operate pretty much like this.

Q. What is the advantage of a High Rate Control?
A. (Doug Ingraham, Lofty Pursuits, dpi@rapidnet.com)

The simple answer is the efficiency is greatly increased over that of a frame rate control.

An electric motor wants to turn at a certain speed that depends on the voltage that is being supplied to it. The best speed control would provide a nice clean DC voltage that varies from a maximum that is the same as the battery down to zero volts. The frame rate control fails to do this because the motor sees full voltage during the on times and zero voltage during the off times.

If you were able to measure the amps that flow into the motor during the on time you would see that they are much higher than expected. These high currents end up heating the motor and battery almost as much at every throttle setting above 20% as at full throttle.

One way to make low-rate controls more efficient is to place a good size capacitor across the motor terminals. This tends to average the voltage somewhat.

The high rate controls work by reducing the voltage that goes to the motor. The reason they can do this is because the motor is not a pure resistive load. It has some of the same characteristics of an inductor and it is these characteristics that make a high rate control more efficient. An inductor that has current flowing through it tends to want that current to continue to flow. If the voltage is turned on and off fast enough the current will continue flowing smoothly through the motor.

Q. What is the best switching rate for a hi rate ESC?
A. (Doug Ingraham, Lofty Pursuits, dpi@rapidnet.com)

There is little difference between a control that operates from about 1000hz up to around 5000hz. The exact best rate would depend heavily on the motor. For our hobby motors about 3000hz is near optimum. As the switching rate increases, the losses due to turning the switch on and off start to go up as the losses in the motor go down. The crossover point for these losses is about 3000hz for most motors.

Q. How does a motor brake work?
A. (Doug Ingraham, Lofty Pursuits, dpi@rapidnet.com)

When a DC motor is spinning with the speed control turned off it is acting as a generator. With the prop windmilling the motor (generator now) is producing a voltage at the motor terminals but is doing no work. If you place a short across the motor terminals the motor must now work hard to try to generate the same voltage across a dead short. This will cause the generator (motor) to slow down. The motor short is provided by an electronic switch in the speed control.

Q. What is a BEC and how does it relate to the speed control?
A. (Doug Ingraham, Lofty Pursuits, dpi@rapidnet.com)

BEC stands for Battery Eliminator Circuit. The battery it is eliminating is your receiver pack. The BEC is a completely separate circuit from the rest of the speed control. It is generally a one to two amp linear regulator that converts the motor battery voltage to a regulated 5 or 6 volts to power the receiver and servos.

Q. What are the disadvantages of a BEC?
A. (Doug Ingraham, Lofty Pursuits, dpi@rapidnet.com)

A BEC using a linear regulator has some very strict limits over which it can operate. Modern regulators only need about 0.25 volts more input voltage than output voltage. Therefore, a BEC that supplies 5 volts to the radio gear needs 5.25 volts from the battery. So a 6 cell pack operated at reasonable current levels (<30 amps) is the minimum needed to be safe in powering a radio from a bec. Strange things happen when the input voltage drops below 5.25 volts. On the other end of the scale one shouldn't try to operate a linear regulator type bec on more than 10 cells. At ten cells, the regulator may overheat and shut off. Of course when they turn off the radio is turned off and the plane generally crashes. I have seen a number of crashes that I am certain were caused by the bec regulator chip overheating. The characteristic of this event will be that operation is fine for a couple of minutes into the flight and then radio loss is complete. It is most likely to occur on high cell counts (8+) with many servos (4 or more) and a fast airplane (the speed of the plane affects the amount of current that the regulator must provide to the servos). The pilot generally thinks he got interference and doesn't blame the real culprit. There are other types of regulators that don't have this problem but so far they are not in use because they are larger, weigh more than a small four cell receiver pack, and cost more as well.

Q. What is a cutoff?
A. (Doug Ingraham, Lofty Pursuits, dpi@rapidnet.com)

A cutoff is a circuit that is added to an esc equipped with a bec to try to prevent the motor battery from being run dead and causing a crash when the input voltage goes below 5.25 volts. Car type speed controls often have a bec but never have a cutoff circuit. That is why you shouldn't use a car type control in a plane with the bec active.

Q. How long can I fly once the cutoff takes place?
A. (Doug Ingraham, Lofty Pursuits, dpi@rapidnet.com)

This depends on so many factors that there is no good way to answer it. On my (Doug Ingraham's) bec equipped speed 400 motor glider I have run tests to attempt to answer this. The plane has 2 micro servos, receiver and speed control. The idle current is about 60ma for this setup. When the motor is running full throttle and the cutoff takes place there is about 25mah remaining in the 6 cell 600mah pack. The cutoff takes place at 5.6 volts with the speed control in that model. That means that the pack would be dead in less than 25 minutes in flight. In fact the flight loads are about 100ma with this plane. So about 15 minutes of flight time. That sounds pretty good except that I have flown pure gliders for 2.5 hours and not noticed the time. in that context it doesn't seem very safe to be sport flying with a bec in a glider. What about a 7 cell pack? I used the same setup to try a 7 cell pack. The 7 cell 600mah pack has only 4mah remaining at a cutoff voltage of 5.6 volts. This is 2.4 minutes of relative safety.

Q. What is opto-isolation and what does it do?
A. (Doug Ingraham, Lofty Pursuits, dpi@rapidnet.com)

Opto isolation is a technique used to prevent noise on one side of an electronic circuit from affecting another. The only connection is by pulses of infrared light like that used in tv remote controls. the way it works in a speed control is the servo signal connects to an infrared light emmiting diode which turns on and off with the servo pulses. In the same sealed package there is an infrared sensitive photo transistor that senses the pulses of light from the diode and turns on the transistor when the light is shining. this gives thousands of volts of isolation between the receiver and the speed controls electronics thus helping to prevent interference from affecting the radio link. This works very well since the bulk of the interference comes through the power connections to the radio. A speed control equipped with a bec cannot have effective opto isolation unless both the positive and negative connections to the regulator are broken. A speed control cannot have a functional bec and opto isolation at the same time. they are mutually exclusive.

Q. How do I disable the BEC on my speed control?
A. (Doug Ingraham, Lofty Pursuits, dpi@rapidnet.com)

The trick is to get the servo signal to the speed control without getting power from it. this is usually accomplished by disconnecting the red wire from the servo cord that goes to the speed control. most servo connectors allow you to pull the pins out of the connectors. it is recommended that you do this rather than clip the wires in case you later want to re-connect the bec. wrap the metal pin with black electrical tape after you pull it out of the plug. one good reason to do this is if you have a speed control that has bec, but no cut-off. many car escs can be converted to aircraft use with this procedure. it is dangerous to use an esc without a cut-off circuit in an r/c airplane.

Q. Where do I plug in my BEC speed control ?
A. (Steve Lewin, slewin@clara.co.uk)

Plug it into the receiver's throttle channel. The 3 wires on the plug are +ve power(often a red wire), ground (often black wire) and signal (often white or orange). All of the sockets on the receiver are able to take power so the speed control plugs into the same channel whether it has BEC or not. Since the signal you need to drive the speed control is the throttle signal that's where it goes.

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Q. how does charging current relate to capacity?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

To determine the rate for a given length of Charging, use the following formula: amps = Capacity / time to charge e.g. to charge a 1200 mah battery in 20 minutes requires a current setting of 3.6 amps: amps = 1200 mah / .33 h = 1.2 ah * 3 h =3.6 amps

The same formula can also be reworked to determine how long it will take to charge a battery at a given current: time to charge = Capacity / amps e.g. The time it takes to charge a 1500 mah battery at 5 amps is 18 minutes: time to charge = 1500 mah / 5 amps = 1.5 ah / 5 a = .3 h = 18 minutes. Note that is is the minimum time to perform the charge. Because the charging process is not totally efficient some of the energy is lost as heat and the charging takes place a little longer than this. However, if you are using a timed charger, stick with this formula.

Q. How can I make certain my packs are fully charged?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

A peak charger automatically does this. If you don't have a peak charger, then it is possible to monitor the charge yourself. Simply stop charging when one of the following two things occur: 1. The pack starts to get warm. 2. The charging voltage starts to drop. SAFETY WARNING: if you are doing a manual fast charge (i.e. by watching the temperature and/or voltage yourself: PAY ATTENTION! If the batteries get too much charge they will overheat and that could damage or even destroy your batteries!

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Q. How do I calculate duration?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Use the battery pack's mah rating to determine how long the needed current can be delivered in minutes:
duration = 60 * (capacity/1000) / current
eg: to calculate the duration of a 1700 mah pack for a 30 amp draw:
duration = 60 * 1.7ah / 30 amp
duration = 3.4 minutes.
While it is very difficult to calculate the exact current draw in flight we can get a rough but useful estimate by finding it on the ground and then multiplying by 0.75. If your prop is highly pitched enough so that it is stalled when running static this number will be far less accurate.

Q. How do I calculate watts?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Watts is a measure of power. There are two kinds of watts that we are concerned with: watts "in" and watts "out". The watts coming "in" is the power going into the motor, and watts "out" is the power coming out of the propeller. Watts "in" is what most modelers measure, as it is much easier. Watts "in" is simply the product of volts and current drawn. Each cell will produce 1.2 volts without load, but less at maximum efficiency. You can count on 1.0 volt per cell, which means that: watts in = # of cells x amps drawn

watts "out" will be some fraction of watts in, depending on the power system's efficiency. Most high quality ferrite, brushless, and cobalt motors are at least 70% efficient. Cheap ferrite motors range from 20% to 60% efficient, depending on load. Brushless motors can push 90% on a good day. It pays to buy a good motor!

Q. How do I convert between different units of measure?
A. (Tim Mcdonough, tpm@inw.net, Craig Limber, craig.limber@aurean.ca)

Depending on where you live or where you went to school weight may be expressed in grams, ounces, kilograms, or pounds. Lengths may be expressed in meters, centimeters, millimeters, feet, or inches. The following conversions are not exact in some cases but 'close enough' for modeling purposes. Some of these things may seem real obvious. Real obvious things used incorrectly sometimes cause errors that are very difficult to track down!

    Basic information:

  • there are 16 ounces (oz) in 1 pound (lb)
  • there are 12 inches (in) in 1 foot (ft)
  • there are 144 square inches (in^2) in a square foot (ft^2)
  • there are 100 centimeters (cm) in 1 meter (m)
  • there are 10 centimeters (cm) to 1 decimter (dm)
  • there are 10 millimeters (mm) in 1 centimeter (cm)
  • there are 1000 grams (g) in a kilogram (kg)
Measurement from to multiply by
weight ounces grams 28.34952
weight pounds kilograms .454
length inches cm 2.54
density lb/ft^3 g/liter 16.018
density oz/ft^3 g/liter 1.001
wing loading oz/ft^2 g/dm^2 3.051
wing area in^2 dm^2 .0645
wing area ft^2 dm^2 9.29

A more detailed and complete conversion table can be had on the ezone at: http://www.ezonemag.com/articles/1996/convtab.htm

Another table which lists all of the common measurements, drill bit sizes and wire gauges up to one inch, in both metric and imperial, can be found at: http://www.ezonemag.com/articles/1996/permtab.htm

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Design issues

Q. What is the watts/pound rule?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Basically, the rule states that 50 or 60 watts per pound (110 watts/kg) is needed to produce good sport flying characteristics. Some airplanes, such as gliders, can use a smaller ratio (30 watts/lb or 66 watts/kg), while others, like pylon racers, may need a much higher ratio (80 watts/lb or 176 watts/kg.). This ratio is normally computed using watts "in". There is an implicit assumption that the motor being used is at least 70% efficient. cheap "can" type motors, or motors that are being operated beyond their specified current rating, will produce a misleading ratio.

Q. How do I match an electric power system to a given airframe? Or, how do I convert a gas powered plane to electric?
A. (Jim Bourke, jBourke@ezonemag.com)

Matching an electric power system to a plane is not as straightforward as many would expect. The problem is that electric power is very versatile so it is necessary to do a bit of juggling to find out which system will work best. For example, pretend that I have a 4 lb (64 oz or 1814g) sport plane with a 600 sq. in. (4.2 ft^2 or 39 dm^2) wing. I desire mild aerobatics (50 watts/pound) and a low wing loading (< 20 oz/ft^2 or 60 g/dm^2). I want at least 5 minutes of full power. Lets see how close I can get.

We'll try three different power systems. For simplicity we'll assume that a cell delivers 1V so the total voltage is the same as the # of cells. The formulas we need are:

  • watts = # of cells x amps (amps = watts / # of cells)
  • duration = 60 * (capacity/1000) / amps
  • wing loading = aircraft weight (ounces) / wing area (ft^2)

#1 astro 15 with a 10 cell, 1700 mah pack: the weight of this power plant is roughly 2 lbs (900g). We now have enough information to figure out the aircraft weight and wing loading.

Aircraft weight = 6lbs (96 oz)
wing loading= 96 oz / 4.2 ft^2 = 22.9 oz/ft^2

In order to figure out the duration, we need to know how many amps of current the motor will draw. We can find out how many amps we need the motor to draw using the watts/pound ratio we chose:

Total watts=watts/pound ratio * aircraft weight (in pounds) therefore: watts=(50 watts/pound * 6 pounds) = 300

amps= total watts / # of cells therefore:
amps= 300 / 10 = 30A

At this point you may have to stop and try a different motor if the amps you need aren't realistic. In this case we can continue because an astro 15 is still at least 70% efficient at 30 amps. Now that we have the amps we can figure out the duration.

Duration=60 * (capacity/1000) / amps
= 60 * (1700/1000) / 30
= 102/30 = 3.4 minutes

We have just found that an astro 15 motor with a 10 cell 1700 mah pack will fly this 4 lb plane for 3.4 minutes at 50 watts/pound with a wing loading of 22.9 oz/ ft^2 If we use this combination, we will have a short flying time and no reserve power. Lets try a larger motor.

#2 astro 25 motor with a 16 cell, 1700 mah pack this power system weighs roughly 2 3/4 pounds (44 oz or 1247g).

Aircraft weight=6.75 lbs (108 oz or 3061g)
wing loading=108 oz / 4.2 ft^2=25.7 oz/ sq. ft (77.1 g/dm^2).

amps needed=(watts/pound * aircraft weight) / 16 volts
= (50 watts/pound * 6.75 pounds) / 16 volts
= 337.5 watts / 16 volts = 21 amps

duration=60 * (capacity / 1000) / amps
= 60 * (1700 / 1000) / 21
= 102 / 21 = 4.9 minutes

This motor raises the wing loading a little bit, but it gives us the duration we want and quite a bit of reserve power. We can choose a prop that draws 25 amps at full throttle, but throttle back most of the time for 4.5 minutes of powered flight. Lets see what happens when we decrease the cell capacity. It will lower the wing loading, but it will also decrease duration:

#3 astro 25 motor with a 16 cell, 1400 mah pack. This power system weighs roughly 2 lbs (32 oz or 900g).

Aircraft weight=6 lbs (96 oz or 2720g).
wing loading=96 oz / 4.2 ft^2=22.9 or 68.7 g/dm^2
amps needed=(50 * 6) / 16 = 19
duration=(60 * 1.4) / 19 = 4.4 minutes

Now that you have the general idea, you know enough to run your own numbers. One thing I didn't examine was the effect of gearing in the above example. When I learn of a way to incorporate the effects of gearing in the above calculations, I'll present an example. Unfortunately, the watts/pound rule does not take gearing into account.

Q. I'm building an electric twin. Should I wire my motors in series or parallel?
A. (Doug Ingraham, dpi@rapidnet.com)

There are several reasons why series connections are better than parallel but the biggest reason is efficiency. If you hook the motors in series the noload current of both motors together is equal to the noload current of the individual motors so you don't suffer in that area. The rm is twice as much but this doesn't matter since the voltage is doubled, and the current is the same as a single motor so the losses in series are the same as for single motor systems. If you parallel the motors the noload current is doubled and in fact all currents are doubled. This is very bad because losses are based on the square of the current.

If your system resistance (batteries+esc+wiring) is 0.045 ohms and you draw 30 amps from a single motor with the losses in the system are going to be (i^2)*r=40.5 watts with a single motor or with motors in series. In parallel the current will be 60 amps so the losses will be 162 watts for all losses up to the motors. As for failure modes, in parallel if a motor shorts both motors stop. If a motor opens one motor stops and the other continues normally. In series if a motor opens up both motors stop. If one motor shorts the other motor will try to go twice as fast (throttle back quick).

In parallel you need a controller that can handle twice the current. The batteries will go dead twice as fast so your duration will be half. In series you need twice as many cells so the weight is going to go up. You need a speed control that will handle the extra voltage. You also will need a charger that can charge twice as many cells. Usually the extra cells won't matter in a twin setup because you are doubling the power. Cutting the duration in half usually makes people unhappy. So why does anyone use parallel? because with speed 400 size you can get away with it and it doesn't kill you. 20 amps is no big deal from 1700scrc cells and speed controllers are common that can handle this. Expect to have excessive losses with any motor setups larger than these.

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Motor data

Here is a little motor data for just a few of the hundreds of motors out there.

man cat#   name                  kv    rm     io
af  603    035   cobalt          2765  0.04   2.5
af  605    05    cobalt          2125  0.045  2.5
af  615    15    cobalt          1488  0.069  2
af  625    25    cobalt          971   0.093  2
af  640    40    cobalt          682   0.121  2
af  661    60    cobalt 11t      347   0.103  2.5
af  662    60    cobalt 13t      293   0.15   2
af  690    90    cobalt 11t      230   0.55   2.5
af  691    90    cobalt 10t      256   0.111  2.75
af  604    035   cobalt fai      4285  0.017  5
af  608    05    cobalt fai      3214  0.021  5.25
af  627    25    cobalt fai      1592  0.039  4.5
af  642    40    cobalt fai 5t   1161  0.05   4.5
af  643    40    cobalt fai 4t   1452  0.034  5.5
af  660    60    cobalt fai      651   0.045  4.5
gr  1740   speed rx 540 bb vz    2740  0.007  1.7
gr  1788   speed 500 e 12v       1040  1.2    0.4
gr  1789   speed 500 race        2850  0.075  2
gr  1799   speed 500 7.2v        2360  0.122  1.5
gr  3305   speed 500 bb race vs  3100  0.0064 1.4
gr  3322   speed 500 8.4v        2000  0.16   1.2
gr  1780   speed 600 bb 9.6v     1584  0.194  1.8
gr  1786   speed 600 9.6v        1979  0.265  1.37
gr  1787   speed 600 bb 7.2v     2638  0.096  2.8
gr  1793   speed 600 7.2v        2526  0.085  2.8
gr  3301   speed 600 8.4v        1890  0.125  2.3
gr  3302   speed 600 bb turbo 12 1491  0.285  1.1
gr  3316   speed 600 bb 8.4v     1932  0.125  1.95
gr  3323   speed 600 eco 7.2v    1583  0.156  1.5
gr  6314   speed 600 bb turbo 14 993   0.44   0.7 

key: manufacturer: af=AstroFlight, gr=Graupner
kv: voltage constant, in rpm/volt
rm: terminal resistance, in ohms
io: no-load current, in amps

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What works ?

This section of the faq lists *some* combinations of motor, prop, battery, etc. that will provide a flyable e-powered plane. Most of this information has been derived from discussions on the EFlight mailing list. There are many other combinations possible but this may give you some ideas. For starter setups see also the Beginner Issues section.

From Jack Sowle
Great Planes Electricub
Trinity Saphire 17 turn modified 05 car motor
Gearbox of your choice, 3.5:1 ratio
Master Airscrew Wood Electric Series 12 x 8 prop
6 or 7 cell 1400 mah battery pack will get you 8-10 minutes of putzing around or 5-6 minutes of minor aerobatics. (It is a Cub after all)

From Bart de Ruijter
Model: Graupner Rowdy ARF
Weight: 1800 grams
Wing span: 1,4 meter
Motor: Graupner Ultra 930-6 8 Volt
Prop: Graupner Slimprop 8x4
Battery: 8 cells 1700 Mah Sanyo (giving 1900+ Mah)
Amps: 18 A
Climb: 25-30 0
Motor run time: 5 minutes
Flying time: 7-10 minutes
Flying style: moderate aerobatics, nice loops, Take-off (grass): 10 meters

From Bruce Cronkite
Model: SIG LT25
Wing span: 62 in
Motor: AstroFlight 15G
Prop: Master Airscrew 12x8 wood
Battery: 14 cells
Flying time: approx 10 minutes
Flying style: Stable trainer with reasonable aerobatics

From Dereck Woodward
Model: SIG 4 Star 40
Wing span: 60 in
Motor: MaxCim MaxNeo 3:1 geared
Prop: Zinger 13 x 6/10
Battery: 20 cells
Flying time: approx 10 minutes
Flying style: Take off in a couple feet, roll inverted then go vertical. Carry on from there

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Battery Eliminator Circuitry. This feature enables a speed controller to operate a receiver from the same battery that the motor uses. BEC saves weight, as it eliminates the receiver battery.
A hi-rate speed control switches at a high frequency, usually at around 2 to 3000 times per second.
IC stands for "internal combustion." I use this term to refer to all the various kinds of fuel-driven engines: gas, diesel, glow, etc... (i.e. the "normal" R/C power plant).
A lo-rate speed control switches at the same frequency as the servo signal. Roughly 50 times per second.
Indicates that the electrical current for the power system is isolated, which makes motor-induced radio interference less likely. The design of opto-coupling makes it impossible to incorporate with BEC.

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Internet resources

Mailing lists

This is an electronic mailing list devoted to the discussion of electric model aircraft. Subscriptions are free. To subscribe, surf over to the EZone web page http://www.ezonemag.com/ and follow the links to subscribe.


FTP sites

This site is the unofficial model aircraft plans site for the internet.


Web pages

The E Zone is the official home of the faq, and of the EFLIGHT mailing list.

Ken Myers electric flight page. Ken is the editor of The Ampeer, a very popular electric flight newsletter. Back issues of The Ampeer are available at Ken's page, as well as some great advice and information for beginners. Recently added are several of Keith Shaw's article on electrics. These article have been made available to the Internet community with the permission of Tom Atwood at Airage Publishing (Model Airplane News.)

Eric Behr has placed several plans for electronic speed controls on this page.

Various battery-related information. Check out the Nicad faq!

Craig Kulesa's excellent silent flight web page. This page contains a table that matches the popular Astro electric motors to IC equivalents.

This site has a lot of information related to english-metric conversion. Very useful if you want to build from plans that were drawn in units you're not too familiar with. (Thanks to Dennis Weatherly for this tip.)

This site has 12 to 48 hour wind vector predictions. (Thanks to Corky Boyd, corky@mail.wwnet.com for this tip.)



This is an internet newsgroup devoted to radio control aircraft.

This internet newsgroup is mainly concerned with R/C gliders but also contains some discussion about electric flight.

The newsgroup for radio control helicopters including more and more about electrics.

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Non-Electronic Resources

Sailplane Modeler is expanding its coverage to include electric powered planes of all sorts. The new name will be Sailplane and Electric Modeler. The following information came from Wil Byers.

It will cover all aspects of electric including electric sailplanes. Additionally, we will retain our sailplane writers, but the magazine is definately growing in the direction of electrics. So, please spread the word.

Also, you can subscribe to our magazine at:

Sailplane & Electric Modeler
P.O. Box 4267
W. Richland, WA 99353-0024
$22 3rd class $27 1st class.

Electric Flight International is another excellent magazine for eflyers. Here is the North American contact address:

Traplett Distribution, USA
144 West Sierra Madre Blvd.
Sierra Madre, CA 91024-2435
PH: (626) 836-6931
FX: (626) 836-6941

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